Friday, February 21, 2020

Healthcare Milestones and Benchmarks Research Paper

Healthcare Milestones and Benchmarks - Research Paper Example tient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) has been the one of the most valuable dimensions in the past decades, which has been introduced by the President of the US Barrack Obama in the year 2010. Even before that, US social legislation had passed Oregon Death with Dignity Act (ODDA) in the year 1994. Apart from these, in the year 1973, United States had developed the Health Maintenance Organisation Act (HMO), which has been implemented widely in healthcare industry till the present scenario. Besides, the United States government had passed the Social Security Act in the year 1935, which has established the principle of federal aid for the people of America. Moreover, during the World War-I in the year 1919, the American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates officially convicted compulsory health insurance for the public of the United States. Besides, AMA had also restricted the involvement of third parties in between the patient and medical aspects (Sultz & Young, 2010 ). With regard to the impact of the identified milestones and benchmark events on the healthcare system, it can be apparently asserted that the benchmarking events or milestones have contributed to the development of the American healthcare industry significantly. During the year 1940, 9% of the U.S. population had health insurance, which had exceeded the figure of around 74% by the year 1986 (Sultz & Young, 2010). On the other hand, through Social Security Act, the American government has been able to address several diseases and has been capable of improving the quality of food, drugs and cosmetics for consumer protection. Furthermore, through the help of Health Maintenance Organisations the American government has been capable of promoting health and preventing illnesses. Consequently, Oregon Death with Dignity Act has allowed adult incurably ill residents of Oregon to select the path of self-administration of lethal drugs to end their own lives. Simultaneously, PPACA has

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Research Proposal Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Research Proposal Example In the wake of these corporate failures, basic principles and rules are being reviewed and strengthened in order to reinstall investor confidence. At the heart of these corporate governance reforms is the common interest in the effectiveness of boards of directors. Corporate governance codes, experts and activists have long advocated changes in the board structure. As a result of the successful implementation of corporate practice codes in the private sector corporations, the government has decided to implement the system in public/civil departments and government offices. The public offices are supposed to benefit the people who pay tax to the government on various assets and income earned by them. The government departments should exhibit transparency, and accountability to the various stakeholders including general public. These departments have a key role in a society where people's money is handled by government departments when they left with excess income allowed by tax author ity. In this context, the present study s an attempt to examine the impact of corporate government practices implemented by revenue commission in the UK on the customers'/ tax payers' satisfaction. Corporate governance is a conscious and sustained effort on the part of a corporate entity to strike a judicious balance between its own interest and that of its stakeholders. It is the relationship among various participants in determining the direction and performance of corporations. It is not merely enacting legislation; but instilling an environment of trust and confidence as ethical business behavior and fairness cannot be legislated. It aims at minimizing the chances of corruption, malpractices, financial frauds, and misconduct of management. It provides various codes and regulations to establish effective governance system and to monitor the performance of corporations in the context of transparency, advocacy, accountability and social contribution to the society. Governance is not just a pious platitude. It is the accumulated outcome of inspiration, influence, wisdom, guidance and control, which keeps a body or an organization not only moving but also moving on the right tr ack and at the right speed. It is inherent in the very nature of cosmic as well as human systems. However, corporate governance is essentially a state of mind and a set of principles based on relationships. It can work only if the people entrusted with these responsibilities believe in and are committed to the principles that underline effective corporate governance, which in ultimate analysis, is a way of life and not a mere compliance with a set of rules. Ideals of corporate governance primarily need transparency, full disclosure, fairness to all stakeholders and effective monitoring of the state of corporate affairs. It is, thus, concerned with values, vision, and visibility. Sound corporate governance practices lead to greater management accountability, credibility, and enhanced public confidence. Statement of the Problem With the corporate scandals in the early 2000, corporations across the world are under pressure to convince and ensure that the various stakeholders are happy with the system of corporate governance. Many new standards/policies of Corporate Governance (CG) and changes in accounting and reporting